Bill Moran Museum

Bill Moran was born in Frederick, Maryland, he made his first knife at the age of 12, by the age of 14 he was making knives to sell,As a teenager he taught himself how to forge a blade. In the 1950s he was one of the last few bladesmiths in the United States .In 1960 he sold the family

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James Williams is a former U.S. Army officer with over 45 years of experience in numerous martial arts disciplines. He knows cutlery as President of Bugei Trading Company, producer of fine Samurai swords. He is an expert in both ancient and modern martial arts and has developed The System of Stra

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The Samurai Workshop' is a Dutch specialist on customization, repairing and restoration of both modern and antique Japanese swords. They make great contributions to the sword community through their online tutorials, and demonstrations.  They represent a new generation of Japanese sword enth

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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd